Corporate name

One person for each client. A professional for each service
H&A is a law firm specialized in technical and legal advice on intangible assets in the Intellectual and Industrial Property sector and related matters with a worldwide presence, absolutely proud to work from creativity and innovation, with a multicultural and international human capital that allows us to solve any of our clients’ needs.
An extensive legal and technical experience has positioned and accredited the quality of H&A’s advice both in Spain and in the rest of the countries where we have our own office. The passion with which we face the challenges has contributed to the success of the firm, betting on the close, frequent and direct contact with the client.
H&A currently has 16 national offices and subsidiaries in Portugal, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Colombia, and among its future plans is a direct presence in the United States and other Latin American countries.
Both the company and our team have received numerous awards from industry associations and media (Financial Times, Iam 100 Patent, Legal Awards, INTA, IPO…..).